Do you find Amazon reports confusing and thus useless? We can help you take data driven business decisions!

Unlock Insights from Multiple Platforms like Amazon, Shopify, eBay
Get Clear, Actionable Insights That Empower You
Make Intelligent Decisions On Time
Take Control Of Your Business In Your Hands

How Our Amazon Reports & Dashboard Service Can Help You?

Magic happens when boring data rows and columns become beautiful story tellers. Stories that help entrepreneurs become successful!

Monitor Your Amazon Business Performance 

Unique Customized Dashboards As Per Your Needs

Dashboards Customized For Multiple or Single Sales Platforms

Dynamic Dashboards Connected To Google Sheets

Option of Free Lookers Studio Or Inexpensive Power BI

Regular Insights From Experts Who Review Your Dashboards For You

Unlock the stories within your business data. Ready to listen?

Monitor total sales and profits every week for detailed insights.
Monitor SKU/ASIN performance
Monitor high return SKUs and take immediate actions
See the comparison of organic versus paid search (PPC) sales.
Analyze return reasons data
Compare FBA VS FBM
Compare product performance side-by-side to determine which is the most successful in terms of sales and profitability.
See how your metrics are trending over time with visually appealing charts.
Customized dashboards as per your unique needs

Become a powerful Amazon Seller using the power of actionable insights from your dashboard.

Let us make customized dashboards and reports for your business

discuss your data needs with me.

Let us build you dashboards that help you take data driven decisions 🔥

I have helped many clients build custom dashboards for their business. Now, I would love to help you make best friends with your business data 🤝

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